I,m not that happy.
Reflected a lot about this year.
Received my O levels result in January, got "not too shabby" result.
Posted to Singapore Polytechnic in around February.
Had a very very very simple birthday in March.
Beginning of the tertiary education started for me in April.
A whole new world, new environment for me.
Accomplished nothing big, but made a lot of new buddies(not that i use the word buddy , not friends)
Went for first class outing on 1st May.Had a lot of fun with them.

Went for community service with my new class for the first time in June. Had fun in there, especially when i got "scolded" by a very very young kid =X. kinda ironic uh. Kena scolded because i made a wrong turn. Oh Well...the trip turn out quite well. Click to enlarge the picture below.

Gotten to knew Pauline( Catherine's younger sister) as well. She's kinda fun talking to. Having a conversation with her, seems so ..........*keep it to myself* Cat better not see this.
Had my end-of-module exam in August. Paper was so ZOMG!!!!
Had a long vacation break in September. Rotting at home.
Receive my end-of-module result. Wew. I made it though the result is not as i expected.
Vacation ended on mid-October. Term 3 started. Whole new lecturer and module that i've not heard before.
Had a very weird math lecturer(can't understand what he was saying throughout the lecturer) But my math tutorial lecturer was awesome. Everything that i don't understand, she made it so simple for us. No wonder i score so well in her test. hahax.
In November, i went to join or i should say got drag by Sri to join FOC camp. Initially i had no interest to join, but gradually i find it kinda of fun.
Attended my first poly camp(FOW). It was so fun. Gotten to know a lot people from DMIT. So cool.
Then there comes 3 week break in December. Did something bad unknowingly, so so so so so so so sorry. Gomen nasai!
Addition of Rejean in the family tree on 8 Dec 2008. HURRAY!!!!!!!!
Soon after, school reopen. Forgotten everything. OMG.
Went to watch IP MAN(pronounce as EEP-MUN). The movie was so cool man. His speed of executing his fist was as fast as me typing a report none stop. ZOMG!!!!!
Laptop cocked up a bit just now. F***.
So troublesome to have your laptop cocking up, especially when it is only the 3rd day of new term. It seems to me that we should not be greatly dependent on technology. If i go for reformatting, then i'll have to install all the software all over again.
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ENJOY 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!