And if you're ever going to have other people trust you,
You must feel that you can trust them.
Even when you're in the dark, even when you're falling.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Sometimes, deciding to cry, isn't a bad idea after all.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Sunday, March 04, 2012
Seems that I'm poisoned- worrying too much.
Nothing's over.
I doubt anybody cares anyway.
I'm not blind
Thursday, March 01, 2012
Even the blind can see the difference in the treatment. I'm not nonchalant about it, you know?
-20 year old -Out of Singapore Polytechnic -Average school-going,homework-laden teenager
Note to Reader
^It may seems nothing particularly profound or insightful or provocative, but these are the things that I do in life.
^Amidst the normalcy of everyday life there are the moments that make you laugh, cry, smile, die a little inside or remember why life is worth the living. Other times life is mundane, boring, deeply frustrating for all the wrong reasons.